Tuesday, July 29, 2014

He Cometh with Clouds

Revelation 1:7
Behold, he cometh with clouds;

It is quite natural to associate the idea of clouds with storm clouds.  When storm clouds are building we are likely to think, "look out."  

As we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ, we come to realize when storm clouds begin to build in our lives, we need to think, "look up."  Just as God used the clouds to guide the Israelites to the promised land, He can use the storm clouds in our lives to turn our focus to Him for guidance.  Through this process, He teaches us dependence on Him for providing the pathway through the storms of our lives.  Paradoxically, without the storm clouds we would have little faith.

The perfect pathway through the storms of life lies in our relationship with Jesus.  When our clouds become the darkest, we can always look up and turn to Jesus for He is the light of the world.  "He cometh with clouds."

Heavenly Father, we thank You for providing the Light of the World when darkness surrounds us.  We praise You for the faith that You build in us as Jesus carries us and comforts us through our trials.  We pray that we may learn from the trials that we pass through so that we may comfort others who pass the same way.

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