Sunday, August 17, 2014

Walking in the Fullness of Jesus Christ

Luke 18:22
When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

The young ruler, as he is often called, was given the directive that is captured in the passage above.  It was a hard word for the young man.  He walked away from all that had been offered to him.

For most all of us, God's words do not come to us in such a direct manner as the words spoken to the young man.  They do not come in clear audible context.  God's directives come to us in the faint internal whisperings of the Holy Spirit.  We receive more of a gentle urging of the spirit rather than an anything audible.

These urgings are designed to test our obedience.  If we ignore the urgings, they will become weaker and weaker until they eventually cease.  If we are obedient to the urgings, they will become clearer and clearer to us.  God's inspiration will become a greater part of our lives as we begin to seek the urgings of the Holy Spirit in all of our endeavors.  We will learn to walk in the fullness of Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for drawing us to Yourself through the gentle urgings of the Holy Spirit.  We praise You for  providing the ever present Counselor in our daily lives.  We pray that our minds and hearts will be receptive to all that the Holy Spirit brings to us.  May our obedience bring richness to our daily walk with Our Savior.   

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