Saturday, October 11, 2014

Only the Best Ingredients

John 11:6
So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.

"Mommy, I really want chocolate cake.  I want it right now."  

"OK, Dear, but not now.  I will make it later when I have all the special ingredients that I need to make it just the way you love it."

This is a conversation between a mother and her child.  To the child, the wait may seem painful.  To the loving mother, everything is right and in perfect order.

This is how our loving Father in heaven works with us.  He hears our prayers and He answers them.  He does not rush to provide the answer, even though He could.  He waits for all the best "ingredients"  to be in place.  He wants to prepare only "the best" for us - just like Mommy.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for always giving us what is best for us and not what we ask for and certainly not what we deserve.  We exalt You for the loving kindness, the mercy and the grace that You extend to us endlessly.  We pray, Lord, that You will show us how to wait confidently in faith for all that You have prepared for us and those around us.  We rejoice in knowing that Your timing is perfect.

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