Thursday, December 11, 2014

Learning to Deny the Independence that We Learned to Crave

Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

The "terrible twos" is the time during which most humans begin to express their own individuality and independence.  It is during this time that most of us realize for the first time that we are our own person and can make choices for ourselves.

Unfortunately, our favorite word as a two-year old is "no."  Our rebellious nature wants to reject all the good counsel of our parents in order to fully express our own independence.  This independent behavior has a tendency to carry over into our relationship with Almighty God.  We set a pattern early for ourselves which establishes the importance of our desires over loving authority.  We establish lifestyles in which our decisions are made based on the needs of our flesh and not on the desires of Almighty God for our lives.  

As terrible twos we missed out on much that our parents had planned for us because we were busy expressing our independence in a manner that was not acceptable to our parents.  Similarly, we can miss much that God has in store of us if we do not learn to deny ourselves and surrender completely to the will of Our Savior.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the grace that You provide so that we are able to take up the Cross of Your Son and follow Him.  We thank You for Your patience with us as we learn to deny our sinful natures, our ungodliness and our worldly lusts.  We pray, Lord, for the strength to exercise the humility, zeal, patience and self-denial that the Cross demands.  May we carry out every duty for Your glory and for the gain of Your kingdom. 

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