Monday, June 8, 2015

The Relationship that Opens All Doors

Luke 11:9
And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

In Luke 11:9 we find a solemn declaration and promise made by Jesus Himself.  The declaration rests on His authority.  He makes the statement with the boldness of knowing it is true.  He opens the way for us to ask for food for the body and nourishment for our souls and He promises that for those that act in accordance with His counsel shall find their requests satisfied.

When we knock at Jesus' door, seeking Him, our lives are changed forever.  Once we have accepted Him as Our Savior, we are new men and women in Christ.  We are new people who are faced with the eye-opening need to let our old selves die, so that our new selves are properly prepared to be in the presence of Our Lord.

Once we establish our relationship with Him, we will be in a place that is greater than anything we have ever experienced before.  We will never want to leave that relationship.  To stay there, we will find that we are forever humbled by our need to cleanse ourselves.  We will find that the experience of first meeting Him is the beginning of our preparation for being in His presence for all eternity. 

Heavenly Father, we humbly bow before You.  We thank You that we are allowed to approach Your throne because Your Son, Jesus, has prepared the way for us.  Make us forever mindful of His sacrifice which washed away our sins for all eternity.  Open our eyes to see the sins that remain in our lives so that we may ask forgiveness of them and repent of them.  May Your Holy Spirit guide us in continuously seeking the presence of Your Son in our lives.  May we find all we need in Him.  We ask all these things in the name of the Lord God Omnipotent, Jesus Christ.

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