Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Perfecting Work of the Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 6:19
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?

As Christians, our bodies become sanctuaries of the Holy Spirit.  This is a certain sign that we have been washed clean by the blood of Our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Because God is holy, holy, holy, He cannot tolerate the presence of sin.  If there were any sin in us, the Holy Spirit could not dwell within us.  Thus the Holy Spirit is witness to the atoning work of salvation in our lives.

Because in the flesh, we still hold on to the sin nature, there is perfecting work ahead for the Holy Spirit.  Upon His indwelling, He immediately begins in us the process of regeneration and sanctification.  When He begins the good work of grace, He takes full possession of the body, mind and spirit of each of us.  He supernaturally influences our lives, our bodies and our conversations.  He works to insure our bodies are fit habitats for Our Savior King.

As we submit to the sanctifying process of the Holy Spirit, we can anticipate that there will be trials in our lives.  Jesus Himself told us that it would be so as we followed Him.  These trials that create brokenness in our lives are the experiences that the Holy Spirit uses to complete and perfect our regeneration.

Let us surrender to the perfecting work of the Holy Spirit.  Let us seek the grace that we need to keep ourselves firmly on the path of sanctification that prepares us for our places in heaven.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for allowing us to be temples of Your Holy Spirit.  We rejoice in knowing that through shed blood of Your Son, Jesus, and through the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit in our lives that You can use us to be instruments of Your good work.  We pray for the aid of the Holy Spirit to build us up in Christ so that we can endure in faith all of our trials.  We ask, Father, that we may become free flowing vessels of Your redemptive work.  As the Holy Spirit witnesses to Our Savior in our lives, may we witness to Our Savior in the lives of those around us.  We ask all these things in the name of the Lord Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

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