Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Word of God Promises Exceedingly More

Luke 5:5
And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.”

It is important to realize that there is power for us in the Word of God.  The power that we can access is held in the promises that are revealed to us in the Holy Bible.  The promises are the keys to our victory over all the forces of this earth and all the forces of evil that might try to come against us.  No matter what we think the promises of this world hold in store for us, the Word of God promises exceedingly more.

Peter exhibited faith in the spoken words of His Master, Jesus.  Even though his instincts told him that it was highly questionable to expect a worthwhile catch, he dropped his nets.  He had faith that Jesus’ words were more powerful than the forces of nature that he knew were unlikely to deliver a decent catch at this place and time of day.  His faith was rewarded.  His nets were filled beyond the point of bursting.

Whether we are toiling in a ministry that is not fruitful, laboring in a vocation that is not productive or simply struggling with the issues of life, we should look toward the promises in God’s Holy Word and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Our victory is guaranteed and is waiting upon us if we have faith in the Lord.

Let us dig into the Holy Word of God and find those scriptures that best fit our time of need.  If we are diligent in our search, we will find the promises that will provide the power that we will need to overcome what the world has laid upon us.  Let us rejoice in knowing that His Word is more powerful than anything that the evil one or this world can bring against us.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for giving us Your Holy Word to teach us the things that we are promised as inheritors of Your kingdom.  We pray that the Holy Spirit shows us how to live our lives in accordance with Your Word and in reliance upon Your promises.  We ask that the Holy Spirit strengthen us to stand against everything that comes against us, knowing that through Our Savior we have victory over every circumstance.  We ask all these things in the name of the One who gave us victory over all things when He died on the Cross, Jesus Christ.

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